Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Shake Off Phyto Fiber: A Superior Colon-Cleansing Health Drink

SHAKE OFF PHYTO FIBER IS A Superior Colon-Cleansing Health Drink made from the best natural ingredients that sweeps and flushes out all toxins from our colons, leaving it clear and healthy. It is absolutely safe.

The following are some of the benefits of SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber. 

1. No Coprostasis, No Colon Cancer

Waste accumulated in the digestive canal give rises to harmful carcinogenic by-products such as nitrosamines, hydrogen sulfide, etc. The good bacteria in SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber can help eliminate them and prevent coprostasis and colon cancer.

2. No Overweight 

With the modern tendency to consume excessive meat/fish and fatty foods while leading a sedentary life style, many people are experiencing coprostasis due to congested intestines without them knowing it. 
Once waste matter is lodged in the intestinal folds, it cannot be eliminated easily. Being overweight is partly caused by coprostasis. The accumulation of harmful by-products and fats leads to the imbalance of the intestinal microflora or bacteria. SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber helps prevent the accumulation of harmful by-products and fat, thereby reducing the possibility of obesity.

3. No Constipation 

An overstressed person's biological functions will suffer leading to a number of health problems, such as gastric problems, hormone imbalance and eventually constipation. SHAKE OFF Phyto Fiber helps promote the growth of good bacteria. It produces lactic acid and acetic acid as well as carbonic acid gas which stimulate peristaltic movements of the intestines needed to expel wastes from the intestines thus reducing risks of coprostasis. 
You can order Shake Off now online or Call +27 81 895 4464 / +27 83 354 5363

1 comment:

  1. The green smoothies are most effective for our health. The smoothies offer various benefits like weight loss, Colon-Cleansing and provide energy too. If you are looking for readymade Green energy drinks then I would recommend buying that from
