Saturday, May 30, 2015

Power 4 Healthy Slimming Programme

Shake Off Phyto Fiber is a superior colon cleansing health drink made from all natural ingredients that sweeps and flushes out all the toxins from our colons, leaving it clean and healthy. 

Fast, effective, and affordable way to eliminate congested waste matter, thus, prevents coprostasis and colon cancer. You will see the result within 6-8 hours. Read more

MRT Complex is a delicious, low calorie and highly soluble nutritional drink, with complete vitamins, proteins, and energy-releasing amino acids that replaces your meal to help you reduce weight safely, fast and effectively while avoiding the hunger pangs. Read more

Splina Liquid Chlorophyll is a nutritional drink made of fresh and pure liquid chlorophyll from plants. It is a rich source of natural minerals, vitamins, proteins, trace elements and anti-oxidants, which are essential in balancing and maintaining the alkalinity of the body. Read more

Edmark Cafe (Ginseng), Red Yeast Coffee
Drinking coffee has essential health benefits,  as medical studies reveal. Coffee offers anti-oxidants and memory boosters like no other.Edmark’s Coffee King Series gives you healthy coffee options with a twist of Ginseng and Red Yeast Rice for total rejuvenation of the heart, body and mind.
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Order at 083 364 5363 | 081 895 4462

EDMARK Ginseng and Red Yeast Coffee

Do you take coffee break at work or at home?
Our ginseng and Red yeast coffees will Triple Your Energy and Vitality Levels

Here's why you should drink Ginseng and Red Yeast Coffee
Edmark Ginseng Coffee has the following benefits
• Boosts energy
• Sharpen the mind and memory
• Accelerate Visual and auditory responses
• Increase concentration
• Lower and remove bad cholesterol
• Lower blood pressure
• Improves stamina
• Lowers heart rate during exercise to increase aerobic activity in the body
• Helps prevent impotence by improving libido and sexual vigor
• Prevents cancer by boosting anti-oxidants
• It increases your supply of blood and regulates your blood pressure
• It makes your body stronger. Ginseng cleanses your system
• Ginseng gives you “chi” ie. VITALITY (Energy).it strengthens your immune system to fight diseases.
1 BOX CONTAINS 18g x 20 SACHETS = 216g in a Pack

To order Edmark ginseng coffee or to become a distributor call 081 895 4462 | 083 354 5363 

Red Yeast Coffee - The Red Battle against Heart Disease

Lower your cholesterol naturally
Heart Disease is the number one killer of men and women all over the world. High blood cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. In fact, the higher your blood cholesterol level, the greater your risk for developing heart disease or having a heart attack.
Benefits of Red Yeast Coffee
• Lowers bad cholesterol levels, raises levels of good cholesterol and reduces triglycerides.
• Helps prevent heart disease and some of its complications.
• Enhances circulation and digestion, soothes abdominal pain and invigorates the spleen
• Offers antioxidants and anti-aging properties.
• Healthy Coffee has never tasted this better.
Deep, full-bodied with a complex flavor that is bold and unanticipated. This coffee’s intensity has a crisp finish that lingers in your taste buds. You can’t help but just get another cup of Red Yeast Coffee.

Bio-Elixir - Natural Effective Anti-Aging Remedy

Bio-Elixir is an ALL-NATURAL HGH RELEASER that helps you to look young, feel young and BE YOUNG
Benefits of Bio-ELIXIR
•        Increase in muscle mass.
•        Lose fat without dieting.
•        Higher energy level.
•        Mood elevation.
•        Enhanced sexual performance.
•        Re-growth of heart, liver, spleen, kidneys and other organs that shrink with age.
•        Greater cardiac output.
•        Better kidney function.
•        Superior immune function.
•        Lowered blood pressure.
•        Improved cholesterol profile (higher HDL/lower LDL).
•        Stronger bones.
•        Faster wound healing.
•        Hair re-growth.
•        Wrinkle removal, younger skin.
•        Elimination of cellulite.
•        Sharper vision.
•        Increased memory retention.
•        Improved sleep.

You can orderBio-Elixir right now at 081 895 4462 | 083 354 5363

Edmark Spiro - A Meal That Heals

Combining SPIRULINA, RICE BRAN and OAT BRAN Spiro makes a delicious Meal that Heals
Spiro is an instant, highly nutritional cereal mix with Spirulina powder. It is made from high quality oat bran, rice-bran and protein-rich Spirulina.
Benefits of Edmark's Spiro
•        The most balanced essential Nutrients at the least cost.
•        Made with Hawaiian spirulina that delivers more key nutrients than any other Spirulina in the world.
•        Great Taste and ideal food supplement for all Ages and Lifestyle.
•        Complete Protein with the Highest Level of Beta-Carotene found naturally.
•        Spiro is for people who is constantly on the move and is suitable for adults and children.
Simply add hot water and you will instantly enjoy a delicious, highly nutritious meal for energy, good health and vigor.
Buy Spiro at 081 895 4462 | 083 354 5363

Edmark Cafe 73 - Instant Coffee Mix with Ganoderma Extract

Edmark Cafe 73 - Instant Coffee Mix with Ganoderma Extract is a sugar-free coffee that lowers blood sugar levels, especially those with diabetes. It also boosts the immune system on top of its delicious taste.
Here are the benefits of Edmark Cafe 73 - Instant Coffee Mix with Ganoderma Extract
•           It's SUGAR-FREE, yet taste DELICIOUS.
•           Boosts immune system and stamina.
•           Lowers blood sugar level especially those with diabetes.
•           Ganoderma blended with the best quality coffee beans, sugar and non-dairy creamer.
•           No artificial colouring, flavouring or preservative.
•           Oxygenate the body and balance body PH.
•           Supports blood circulation and rejuvenates cell.
•           Support memory and focus.
•           Reduce blood pressure.
•           Promotes a good night sleep.

Order at 083 354 5363 | 081 895 4462 or go to our online store

Edmark's CoCollagen - LIFT the signs of aging by boosting collagen formation in the skin's epidermis.

The protein Collagen makes up to 70% of our skin. It provides elasticity and shape, giving skin its firmness as well as the ability to retain moisture. As we age, collagen production tends to diminish. Exposure to UV rays, chlorinated water and harmful free radicals also causes collagen reduction. When collagen is reduced it leads to skin dehydration and wrinkles. 
Edmark's CoCollagen CoCollagen is a chocolate flavored beverage enriched with high grade quality marine collagen that nourishes your skin to make it firm and lift the signs of aging, thus reviving its naturally healthy and youthful glow.

Benefits of CoCollagen
• Plumps up the skin and lips.
• Reduces depth of fine lines and wrinkles.
• Smoothens "crow's feet" lines and reduces furrows.
• Reduces dark circles around eyes.
• Promotes skin elasticity.
• Firms and tightens sagging skin.
• Reduces visibility of stretch marks.
• Revitalizes appearance.
• Helps achieve a glowing radiant complexion.
• Rejuvenates mature skin.
• Tones and moisturizes the skin
Order at 081 895 4462 | 083 364 5363 or here