Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Splina Liquid Chlorophyll - Cleansing Your Liver and Blood - 081 895 4462

Our liver is the primary filter of our body. Good health is impossible without proper function of the liver. Unfortunately, over time, we so abuse it and so overtax it that illness is the inevitable result. As part of a program to rebuild and repair the liver, we must:
•           Remove all the excess fat from the liver
•           Get bile flowing freely again
•           Eliminate toxic waste that our livers have filtered out
•           Dissolve and pass out the accumulated gall stones that are stored in our livers
•           Regenerate the damaged and destroyed cells of the liver
Next to the skin, the liver is the largest organ in the body. In many ways, it is the most important organ in the body, and the last to be considered when it comes to health. In addition to being large, the liver is also a complicated organ involved in at least 200 separate functions. Generally speaking, the liver performs a vital role in regulating, synthesizing, storing, secreting, transforming, and breaking down many different substances in the body. Specifically, some of these include:
•           Regulation of fat stores
•           Cleansing the blood and discharging waste products
•           Neutralizing and destroying poisons
•           Protein metabolism, including manufacturing of new body proteins
•           Metabolizing alcohol
•           Managing chemicals and drugs in the blood
•           Aiding the digestive process by the production of bile
•           Helping the body resist infections by producing immune factors and by removing bacteria from the blood stream
•           Storing vitamins, minerals, and sugars
•           Production of quick energy when needed
•           Controlling the production and excretion of cholesterol
•           Maintaining hormone balance
•           Regenerating its own damaged tissue
The liver is so important to our well-being that many healers maintain that most diseases cannot develop in the body (that, in fact, no form of cell degeneration can occur) if the liver is functioning in an efficient, healthy manner. Conversely, an unhealthy liver is very likely at the root of most serious health problems.
What Are the Symptoms of Liver Dysfunction?
•           Digestive problems
•           Constipation
•           Low energy output
•           Allergies and hay fever
•           Arthritis
•           Diabetes
•           Hypertension
•           Obesity
•           Infertility
That’s why we recommend splina liquid chlorophyll

Liquid Chlorophyll heals chronic conditions both internally and externally, and stops the growth and development of toxic bacteria.
Liquid Chlorophyll effectively reduces toxin caused by pesticides and chemicals in the body. It traps and forms complexes with mutagens. This reduces the chances that these substances will attach themselves to genes and caused damage.
Balances body acid-alkali levels to maintain good health. Liquid chlorophyll provides an excellent source of health-promoting nutrients because liquid chlorophyll’s composition contains calcium, it is useful for people as well as animals with arthritis, bone disease, and hip dysphasia.
It is very high in RNA and DNA has been found to protect against the effects of UV radiation.
A assists red blood cell generation to ensure sufficient oxygen and nutrients for cell renewal. It helps to either cool or warm the body and adapt to environment changes.
      Accelerates tissue cell activity and normal re-growth of cells to help the body heal faster.
This helps maintain optimum blood flow all throughout the body and regulates blood pressure to healthy levels.
The results of smoother skin, clearer complexion and youthful looks.

•        Hepatitis and other liver disease
•        All forms of anemia
•        Asthma and hay fever
•        Pyorrhea
•        Varicose veins
•        Hemorrhoids
•        Ulcers – internal and external
•        High and Low blood sugar
•        Offensive body odors
•        Sore throat
To name but a few

•        People with perspire
•        People with liver problem
•        People with respiratory problems
•        People with rheumatism
•        Anemic people
•        Those with pale complexion
•        People with weight problems
•        Very skinny people
•        Very fat people
•        Smokers and alcoholic people
•        Those who dislikes eating vegetables
•        Those who suffer from constipation
•        Those who experience menstrual pain
•        Those who often catch cold
•        Those who often have soar throats
•        People with body odor and bad breath
•        Busy and stressful people
•        Easily fatigue people
•        People who likes junk foods and fast foods

Splina liquid chlorophyll Experience - 081 895 4462

Have you experience Splina liquid chlorophyll yet? Here’s my splina liquid chlorophyll experience.
Way back from 2010, I was suffering from severe embarrassing constipation, Ibs and other digestive issues and it was an agony for me when pain attacks while trying to relieve myself. I tried all the medicines the doctors' prescribed but it was just for temporary relief and nothing could work.
Fortunately a friend introduced me to chlorophyll. And to my amazement, after 20 days of taking Splina, everything just changed and I couldn’t believe it. Thereafter I started to feel comfortable and no more digestive issues or constipation and now I’m completely healed. 

Thanks to Splina Liquid Chlorophyll and to thanks to you Pastor Jonathan for bringing Splina Liquid Chlorophyll into my life.

Please let us know of your Splina experience 

The Health Minute - A clean colon is key to good health

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Splina Liquid Chlorophyll - Assists in Increasing Blood Counts

1. Discharge toxin through the feces - Liquid Chlorophyll heals chronic conditions both internally and externally, and stops the growth and development of toxic bacteria.
 2. Reduces pesticide residue and toxin - Liquid Chlorophyll effectively reduces toxin caused by pesticides and chemicals in the body. It traps and forms complexes with mutagens. This reduces the chances that these substances will attach themselves to genes and caused damage.
 3. Balance body acid-alkali level - Balances body acid-alkali levels to maintain good health. Liquid chlorophyll provides an excellent source of health-promoting nutrients because liquid chlorophyll’s composition contains calcium, it is useful for people as well as animals with arthritis, bone disease, and hip dysphasia.
4. Excellent source of nutrients - It is very high in RNA and DNA has been found to protect against the effects of UV radiation.
 5. Increases blood counts - Assists red blood cell generation to ensure sufficient oxygen and nutrients for cell renewal. It helps to either cool or warm the body and adapt to environment changes.
 6. Boosts the immune system - Accelerates tissue cell activity and normal re-growth of cells to help the body heal faster.
 7. Increase oxygen supply in the blood - This helps maintain optimum blood flow all throughout the body and regulates blood pressure to healthy levels
8. Reduces wrinkles and aging - The results of smoother skin, clearer complexion and youthful looks.